

        焦作市万瑞轮胎辅料有限公司,座落于河南省武陟县产业集聚区(省级),地处郑州、新乡、洛阳、焦作四市交汇处,交通便利。 公司始建于1988年,于2006年经县批准进驻武陟县产业集聚区。厂区占地面积4.8万平方米,建筑面积1.6万平方米。总资产8650万元,现有员工298人,有高级工程师10人,大专以上人员30人。公司下设产品研发部、销售部、财务部、生产部、质检部、包装部等。 2010年公司通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证,ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系认证。 注册商标“跃瑞”牌管道材料,畅销全国31个省、市、自治区,出口俄罗斯、阿拉伯、意大利等国家和地区,深受广大用户好评。主要产品系列:可曲挠橡胶伸缩接头(避震喉)单球体、双球体、异径接头,单、双法兰伸缩接头系列、传力接头系列,烟、风、煤管道补偿器(矩形、圆形各种型号),橡胶鸭嘴排污止回阀(法兰式、套接式、内置式),不锈钢金属软管、不锈钢补偿器,管道设备衬胶,并严格按照国家标准GB/T12777-2008、D-LD-2000、HG/T2289-92、GB/T12465-2002、标准规范设计生产。 公司产品广泛用于电力、冶金、石油、化工、环保、给排水、大中型企业领域的烟道、风道、煤粉管道、给排水管道的建设中。 我公司引进无转子硫化仪、电子拉力试验机、磨耗试验机、高温炉、台式干燥机、压力试验泵等先进的化验设备——创建物理实验室。以科学的管理、先进的生产工艺、良好的信誉、雄厚的技术力量,为高质量产品提供可靠的保障。 万瑞人以德立身、诚信天下、厚德载物。始终坚持“创名牌精益求精、高质量永无止境、售后服务尽善尽美”的宗旨。董事长岳保平携全体员工欢迎同仁前来考察指导工作。


Jiaozuo City Wanrui Tire Accessories Co.,Ltd.is located in Industrial Cluster District Wuzhi County Henan Province(provincial level),which is in the interchange of Zhengzhou city,Xinxiang city,Luoyang city and Jiaozuo city, traffic is very convenient. Company was founded in 1988,approved by the county government to enter Industrial Cluster District Wuzhi County in 2006. The factory covers an area of 48000 square meters, building area of 16000 square meters.Total asset is RMB86.5 million yuan,there are 298 employees, including senior engineers 10 people and college degree or above personnel 30 people. Company has product research and development department, sales department, finance department, production department, quality control department, packing department etc. Since 2010, the company has passed ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate, ISO14001:2008 Environment Management System Certificate and OHSAS18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate. Registered trademark is “Yuerui”brand pipe material, the products are sold well all over the country in 31 provinces、municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Russia, Arab, Italy and other countries and regions, praised by all the customers. Main products series: flexible rubber expansion joint(suspension throat)single spherical、dual-spherical、reducing joint, single or double flange expansion joint series、dowel joint series, flue、air、coal pipeline compensator(rectangle and round all kinds of models),rubber duckbill discharge check valve(flange type、socket type、built-in type),stainless steel metal hose、stainless steel compensator, pipeline equipment rubber lining, and in strict accordance with the national standard GB/T12777-2008、D-LD-2000、HG/T2289-92、GB/T12465-2002、standard specification to design and produce. The company products are widely used in electric power、metallurgy、petroleum、chemical industry、environment protection、water supply and drainage, large and medium-sized enterprises in the field of flue、air pipe、coal powder pipe、water supply and drainage pipeline construction. Our company introduces no rotor vulcameter、electronic tensile testing machine、abrasion testing machine、high temperature furnace、platform dryer、pressure test pump and advanced testing equipment to create a physical laboratory. With scientific management、advanced production technology、good reputation、strong technical force, provide reliable guarantee for high quality products. Wanrui people live morally、integrity world and social commitment. Always adhere to the principle of “creating famous brand to excellence、high quality never ends、after-sales service perfect”. The chairman Mr.Yue Baoping with all the staff welcome all the customers to visit and guide our work.